@article{oai:kinjo.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000055, author = {河野, 有華 and KONO, Yuka and 薗田, 邦博 and SONODA, Kunihiro and 清水, 彩子 and SHIMIZU, Ayako and 大竹, 一男 and OHTAKE, Kazuo and 飯野, 汐里 and IINO, Shiori and 柴, 祥子 and SHIBA, Sachiko and 小林, 順 and KOBAYASHI, Jun}, issue = {1}, journal = {金城学院大学論集. 自然科学編, Treatises and Studies by the Faculty of Kinjo Gakuin University. Studies in Natural Sciences}, month = {Sep}, pages = {26--33}, title = {英国と日本国内のビートルートジュースに含まれる 硝酸塩と抗酸化能(ORAC値)の比較}, volume = {20}, year = {2023} }