@article{oai:kinjo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001285, author = {Usami, Momoko and 宇佐美, 桃子}, journal = {金城学院大学大学院人間生活学研究科論集, Annual report of Graduate School of Human Ecology Kinjo Gakuin University}, month = {Mar}, note = {Nostalgia is a complex emotion that consists of multiple emotional components, which may include pleasant emotions and other emotions that reflect autobiographical memory (Iwata, 1997). Based on the understanding that nostalgia is made up of complex emotions, this study created a scale to quantify nostalgia. A questionnaire survey was implemented with 133 female university students. Exploratory factor analysis indicated that a three-factor structure was appropriate. The first, second, and third factors were termed familiarity, bittersweetness, and painfulness, respectively. Sufficient reliability was confirmed for all factors. Additionally, a three-factor model was constructed, and confirmatory factor analysis identified significant values in all paths, indicating goodness of fit for the overall model( GFI = .909, AGFI = .861, CFI = .955, RMSEA = .069). The present findings further suggest that nostalgia is a complex emotion. The use of the nostalgia scale, can enable objective examination of degrees of nostalgia to compare its qualities}, pages = {1--8}, title = {青年期女子における懐かしさ 感情尺度の因子構造の検討}, volume = {22}, year = {2022} }